Book Launch Day!

Almost three years ago, shortly after I started writing again, I received my first rejection. It was also my first submission, so I was clearly starting out with a bang.

I didn’t fret too much. I was submitting for a spot in a book, after all. And I hadn’t published anything other than a couple of posts on my new blog that only my mom and husband read (at least they said they did). Who did I think I was?

That book was Multiples Illuminated: A Collection of Stories and Advice From Parents of Twins, Triplets and More. It featured a compilation of personal essays about the multiples parenting journey from pregnancy through infancy. There are not a lot of books that speak to the unique multiples experience and I talked about how important sharing our stories are in my review of the book.

Fast forward to last December and an email pops up in my inbox when I am sitting at my kitchen table after an exhausting night getting my children to bed. Undeterred by my prior rejection, I had submitted an essay for the second edition of Multiples Illuminated, focused on the toddler to tween years. And this time, the email was an acceptance.

And so went about nine months (a gestation period if you will) of the two amazing editors, Alison Lee and Megan Woolsey, producing and promoting the book until today — its birthday!

I’m excited to announce the launch of Multiples Illuminated: Life with Twins and Triplets: The Toddler to Tween Years.

Just released-MI

I know you are supposed to avoid adverbs in writing, but I am extremely, immensely and enthusiastically honored to be a part of this anthology. I am in the trenches of the toddler years and the other toddler essays helped me feel less alone. And the essays of the older years give me a glimpse of what’s to come. {hold me}

To have my name associated with a book — oh helloooooooo Amazon author page — is a wonderful feeling and a personal goal of mine. But more importantly, I hope this book brings the same feelings of understanding and community that I had when I read both books. It also makes a great gift for your friends with multiples!

Check out the links below for where to buy (they are not affiliate links). And if you happen to read it, we would love an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads!

Where to buy:

Amazon (paperback)

Amazon (Kindle)


Barnes & Noble





  1. Alison

    August 8, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    We are so thrilled for you, and honored that your essay is in our book! Thank you for sharing the news!


      August 14, 2017 at 1:56 pm

      Thank you Alison!

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